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Babcock Pty Ltd is a leading engineering design, systems integration and support contractor specialising in the provision of engineering design services, systems integration, project management and in-house testing for Australian defence customers.

Babcock were using a mixture of disparate MS Excel and Access databases to manage their business operations for finance, project management, engineering, procurement, supply chain, service, maintenance and contract management. The databases were at their functional limit and were constantly requiring maintenance and updating to cope with the business demands.

Operating out of two locations in Australia, Adelaide and Perth, as well as integrating with UK head office, Babcock required an integrated and centralised enterprise management system that was consistent with Babcock globally. Another important requirement was the ability to manage all of the complex business processes in real-time and provide visibility to the team. After exploring the alternatives, Babcock selected IFS based on other successful  Babcock IFS implementations in Rosyth and Devonport (UK) and Canada.

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