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Dairy Australia

Dairy Australia is the dairy industry’s national service company whose members are dairy farmers and industry bodies. Funded by a levy on milk solids and government investment, their purpose is to enhance the sustainability, competitiveness and profitability of the Australian dairy industry. Their main role is to provide research and industry services which individual farmers and dairy companies could not efficiently undertake themselves.

Outsourcing projects to CSIRO and universities on R&D to support the dairy industry, Dairy Australia could track the deliverables of a project, but not the milestones, budgeting and forecasting accurately or reporting on multiple sub contracts when they were required as part of a project.

Dairy Australia required an integrated system in Projects, Sub Contract Management, Financials and Reporting to get a holistic view of all their projects, sub-contracts and governance associated with each case. Dairy Australia chose IFS as the technology partner for an integrated Project solution.

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